Wednesday, September 18, 2013


So its after midnight...12:06 to be exact.  Nate asks me if I'm ready for bed. I look over at the clock...the clock on the microwave...the clock ABOVE the stove...the stove that is COVERED with dirty dishes from where I cleaned out the fridge.


I just realized it NEVER even occurred to me to do the dishes tonight, or any of my other chores.  I came home from work at almost 9, heated up some dinner, watched some "Once Upon a Time " on netflix (Love that show), and vegged out on the couch.  I tell the hubs that it hadn't even occurred to me to do the dishes or my which he barks about it and how I need to more aware then quickly changes his response to "or maybe I can help you out on the nights you close."  I like that answer better because I'm exhausted on those nights.  He said he would need a gentle reminder until it became a habit for him.  The sad thing is, once HE establishes a habit, he keeps it :/.  Oh. Fail.

So today I...

did nothing. (except for the laundry I did earlier!! That's still on our bed! ugh.)


The Smell of Clean

What does "clean" smell like to you?

It seems like an odd question but many people have a different opinion of what clean truly smells like.  To some, things aren't clean until the scent of Clorox Bleach is wafting out of every room.  Some like the smell of Lemon Lysol and don't just mop with it, but they wipe all the counters and wooden furniture with it so that the smell is in every room.

Nate has a family member who has a scented plug-in in EVERY ROOM OF HER HOUSE.  (The living room and kitchen have two each.)  She says she enjoys the scent but it seems as though they are there to cover up any other scents that should be lingering.  These plug-ins reek havoc on people like me with bad allergies and asthma.  Her house is very tidy, which leads me to wonder what she is covering up.

What does clean smell like to me?


I think true clean doesn't have a smell.  There shouldn't be any bad odors, but also no "perfum-y" odors.

So how do you keep your home clean and also smelling like NOTHING?  Well this is something I'm still working on, but here are some tips I have for letting your house smell like "nothing."

1.) Vacuum.

Regularly vacuuming is actually really good for your carpet.  Another plus is asking guests to remove their shoes as they enter your home.  To some people this seems rude, but carpets are like a sponge.  Shoes and feet are typically carriers of unpleasant odors and germs.

2.) Become best friends with baking soda.

This can go along with vacuuming.  If you have some carpet odors, sprinkle baking soda and let it sit for a few hours if you possibly can, then vacuum it up.  It helps remove odors from your carpet and your vacuum. It also has many cleaning uses, and can help remove smells from a drain by sprinkling it in and letting it sit, and by keeping a box in your fridge and freezer.   To learn about baking soda visit "Clean My Space" on YouTube.  You'll be happy you did.  I've learned so much from expert cleaner, Melissa Maker and her cleaning videos.

3.) Switch to all natural cleaning products.

About a year ago, I was introduced to Shaklee cleaning products.  They are all-natural cleaning products with re-usable containers.  They work better than almost any cleaner I've ever used, and also have very little scent.  It is one of my goals to be a Shaklee distributor one day, but I have a long way to go in becoming a keeper of the home before I can honestly give the proper cleaning demonstrations that a company like Shaklee deserves.  Note, I am not being paid by Shaklee to write this, I am just a happy customer of their product.  Their product is a little pricey, but I try to order it when I can get free shipping.   They have everything from a basic all-purpose cleaner called Basic H, dishwashing liquid, hand soap, laundry detergent, and more.   For someone like me with asthma, using Shaklee cleaners has  been a huge help in the breathing department.

4.) Regularly clean out your fridge.

I *try* to check my fridge every evening to see if anything needs to be thrown away while I'm doing the dishes.  This way I can wash the tupperware.  This helps me keep science experiments out of the fridge.

5.) Use a trashcan with a lid.

I've seen many people have a trash can without a lid and a horrible odor lingers into other rooms of the house.  Nate and I don't accumulate enough food trash to take it out every day and we also don't have a garbage disposal.  We have a garbage with a lid that LOCKS. This helps keep the garbage smell inside the garbage, where it belongs.

6.) When you remove the trash, spray the trashcan with a germ-killing spray.  The one I use is a mixture of alcohol and water.  The alcohol kills germs and dries quickly.  It also takes care of any smells in the trashcan.

Doing the dishes every night has also helped remove unwanted scents from our home.  What do you do in your home to keep it scent-free??


So Many Thoughts...Scatterbrainedness Keeps You From Getting Tasks Done.

I'm noticing a pattern: My ability to forget my blog exists until its time to post for Menu Plan Monday.  Okay. I don't forget that it exists, but I also don't always know what to blog about.  (For the record I didn't post this week for Menu Plan Monday, as our meals are VERY basic while we're continuing to clean out the fridge and pantry to prepare for our move.)

As far as my tasks go, my week last week started out fabulously, getting the basics done as well as some Flylady challenges - things I've always wanted to do but hadn't tried yet. As with anything else in my life though, it went downhill.  I am easily overwhelmed.  This is why I'm in this situation to begin with.  I find myself not able to post my daily checklist unless I accomplished every little task and this blog is supposed to be about HONESTY.  I can't even be honest with myself! longer!  I will try to give an honest update each day.  As you've probably noticed I am attempting to use Flylady's system again.  I am trying to not be overwhelmed by everything she offers. I am using "Flylady Lite" which means only one email a day.  I am definitely only "fluttering."  I look forward to a day I can "Fly."

I do have to wonder, why this keeps happening to me.  I feel as though I need to examine my life.  I do know, as I'm reading A Slob Comes Clean that I definitely have what Nony refers to as "slob vision."  It is almost impossible for me to see a mess until its taken over my coffee table, or dining room table, or kitchen counters, or bathroom floor...the list goes on. I also have a tendency to "get things out" and have papers and things everywhere and get overwhelmed to the point I don't think I can put them away.  At my age this sounds ridiculous to me. I am also having trouble with consistency.  Some days I am gung-ho and want to clean all day while others I can barely get out of bed.

On a side note, I am a very scatterbrained person.  My thoughts bounce around a lot from what I should be working on.  Just working on this post, my brain is bouncing around with all of the different things I want to say.  Perhaps if I post more often, I won't have so many different things I want to talk about...

I do know that part of the problem with my inconsistency is back pain and swollen ankles.  I have the type of job where you stand for your whole shift and I can barely stand any longer by the time I get home.  I try to trudge on long enough to make dinner and get the dishes done (at least since I've started this blog) but I don't always do much else.  My schedule is also wompy.  Different every week.  Open some days, close others, never have the same day off.  It makes it hard to have a consistent bed time as well.  Some days I decide that my bed time will be 10:30.  However, on days when I don't get home until 9, that means I only get an hour and a half to myself which would mostly be spent feeding Nate (he waits until I get home to eat dinner), doing the dishes, and my before bed routine.  This is why I usually end up in bed at midnight.  I also lay there for an hour before falling asleep.

I would be curious to know how any readers...if there are any readers...balance your schedule when it is inconsistent...the only thing I've tried to do is get tasks done before I go to work on days I close so that I don't have to do them when I get home. I am also trying to be more aware of my messes and not get them out if I don't have sufficient time to put them away.  For instance, today I have to be at work at 2 so I haven't gotten any materials out.  I am just relaxing before doing some tasks.  I have a load of laundry going, so as long as I get it folded and put away I should be in fairly good shape.

I just still have this nagging fear that when we move in a few weeks my bad habits will follow me!  I really hope this isn't the case.  Nate and I have decided we are going to unpack one box at a time and put everything in its place, and if we're not sure where that thing should go, we have to strongly consider not keeping the item.  We are also going to do our daily tasks from day one.  Yes it may take us a little longer to get our boxes unpacked, but in the long run we'll be much better off.  If I can only learn some consistency.  Having a checklist by my side at all times is a MUST.

In the future, I do have some things to share with you (beyond my daily tasks) which I'm excited about.  Some examples are the app I've found that helps me keep my tasks in check, a full review of, and more information about "Flylady."

Stay Tuned!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Menu Plan Monday!!!

So I think its safe to say that my weekly link up with Laura at for Menu Plan Monday is my favorite bloggy day of the week, because its when I'm most consistent at blogging.  I've had a pretty good week as far as keeping up with the tasks and it is really starting to show.  We are becoming more organized, I'm finding more time in the day including time for myself, I'm happier, Nate and I are working together on tasks, and our 5-minute pickups are usually spent decluttering other areas of our living space as the main ones are picked up consistently now!!!  I wake up happier. I got to bed with less stress.  This month at flylady, they are working on the before bed routine and I've been doing really well with that and it is paying off for sure.  Knowing my morning coffee is just a switch away makes me smile EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. 

On to the menu!!  As usual life happened last week so our menu plan got pushed up by one day.



  • Chicken Parmesan (using sauteed chicken breast from yesterday and "Pizza" flavored macaroni and cheese)
  • Salad
  • Garlic Bread

  • Chicken Patty Sandwiches
  • Macaroni and Cheese
  • Brussels Sprouts sauteed with onion and bacon (dinner diva recipe)

  • Leftovers

  • Rigatoni with Meatballs and Marinara Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese
  • Garlic Bread
  • Pizza
  • Leftover Pizza
  • Tilapia Packets
  • Roasted Potatoes
  • Chopped Broccoli

Its a pretty simple plan this week, but we will be working majorly to pack and de-clutter as we finally know we're moving before the month is over!!!!  We are also doggy-sitting this week.  I know some people think simple is boring but it keeps me sane on weeks like this.

If you need some menu inspiration, be sure to visit for Menu Plan Monday to see what these brilliant bloggers are cooking up this week!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Excellent Day (For a Slob)

So today was one of those days that is rare for a slob like me.  I accomplished a lot.  I made the trip to the post office to return something to amazon that I had been putting off, had lunch with my husband on his lunch break, and got the car detailed after first cleaning it out and removing a stain I had been staring at for months. It came out immediately.  Later, I did the dishes, made dinner, did the dishes again, shined my sink, swept the kitchen, did a focused 5 minute pickup, did a swish and swipe, did a load of laundry including hanging it all up, laid out clothes for tomorrow, wiped down the coffee table where we had dinner, de cluttered a chair, filed some receipts, had some "me" time, snuggled with one awfully cute pup, and just now got the coffee pot ready for the morning, refilled h Brita pitcher, took the shrimp and chicken out of the freezer for tomorrow to thaw (in fridge), brushed my teeth and hair and I'm ready for bed...before 11....I never get in bed before 12:30....and I don't feel worn out.  I feel fantastic.  I also feel like I really tried to "fly" today. Friday is the day to clean out your car...did that.  September is when you work on the habit of your before bed routine...I did that. Including checking the calendar, locating my keys, and thinking if I needed anything else at my launch pad.  This is the most successful day I've had in a long time. I'm going to celebrate by going to bed and getting up early.

What do I do on days like this...?

So last night was one of those nights where I closed at work. I came home and my feet and back were killing me.  I didn't want to stand too long.  Did I do any of my cleaning "routines"? No.  I am off work today and last night I was totally justified (to myself) in the fact that I would just clean up today.  This morning waking up to dirty dishes did not feel good ad I felt angry with myself for not just sticking it out and doing the dishes.  It reminds me of my former self. The former self who justified not doing the dishes every night.  I am curious what other people do when they have those nights when they're worn out.  Do you (people whose houses are consistently tidy) ever have nights where you just can't do it? What about all of those couples who also have children?? Nate and I have no children.  How tired and full of excuses will be then?!? 

I have some errands to run today but I am determined to get things cleaned up as soon as I get home.  I'll blog if I make progress.  On a different note. The crescent pizza roll-ups from were super easy, very easy to make ahead, and delicious.  I would recommend them.  The chicken Alfredo shells were only okay.  I think I just needed a little more salt in the Alfredo sauce.  On. Night number two, however, from being in the oven, they didn't reheat well.  *Sigh.* I hope I get over this feeling soon.  I need to just persevere.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Menu Plan Monday...on Tuesday again! Oh Labor Day...

So yesterday was a busy day...working (yes on Labor Day), grocery shopping, Labor Day-ing... Hubby and I got home late hence the lack of post for Menu Plan Monday.  But here it is today.

I am extremely excited to link up my menu this week with for this particular Menu Plan Monday because I'm making some actual recipes this week that involve actual real cooking and not just making things out of a box. Don't get me wrong, I'm still making some things from a box, but not ALL of them are from a box.  Okay rambling over.

This Week's Menu:

(Labor Day Cookout)

Chicken Broccoli Shells with homemade Alfredo Sauce, Brussels Sprouts with Compound Butter, and Garlic Bread.  For the Alfredo Sauce, I'm going to make the sauce that Betty from bettyskitchen made on her "Chicken and Proscuitto Tortelloni Alfredo" video.  If you haven't seen her videos, you must.  She makes everything so simple.  Every recipe of hers I've ever made has been delicious.  The alfredo sauce in this video is the best I've ever had.



Crescent Pepperoni Roll-ups and roasted broccolini.  I've never made either of these things before but I'm super excited to try them out!!!  I'm going to attempt to make the marinara dipping sauce myself being as I had an extra can of tomato sauce laying around.  Our budget was tight this week. 


BBQ Shrimp using a shrimp I froze a while ago. Nate doesn't like shrimp so I'm sautéing up chicken breasts for him and I'm going to use some of the leftover chicken for tomorrow's dinner, alfredo noodles (from a packet oh well), salad, and garlic bread.

Today is an experiment.  A little while ago I accidentally purchased Pizza flavored mac 'n' cheese and we didn't know what to do with it.  We're going to try an experiment and make a chicken parmesan of sorts.  I'm adding the extra sauteed chicken breast from Saturday night and covering it with mozzarella cheese. We'll be having salad and garlic bread with this and I'll let you know how it turns out (hopefully if I remember.)

So that's it! This week's menu plan.  I'm more than a little excited. Menu planning has saved our life and our budgets!

Do YOU want to post YOUR menu plan for this week?? Well you should!  Lots of great people link their menu plans up every week with Laura at and that's exactly what I'm doing!! Go over and visit NOW!! :) If you click "now" it will take you to this week's edition of Menu Plan Monday! Cheers!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Checklist and a Revelation...

Wow.  Two days in a row.  Feels good!

Today I:

Made the bed (Nate).

Did the dishes and shined my sink.

Wiped down the countertops.

Swept the kitchen floor (I may have done this twice.  I couldn't remember if I did this today.  Nathan said I probably did, - he also said that forgetting if you've swept the kitchen because you've been cleaning so much is a good problem to have).  I wasn't sure so I swept it then.

Checked the bathrooms for clutter.

Swish and swipe (Nate did most of this as I as teaching him how I do it in case I get sick or something.)  Its amazing how different he did things than I do.  He missed a lot of surface area on the mirror and counters.  Oh well.

Wiped down the coffee table (where we typically eat dinner for lack of dining room table at the moment.)

Five-minute focused pick-up.  REVELATION!  The couch and coffee table were picked up and all other chores had been done so most of the five minute pick-up happened with "decluttering" some things! I believe we are starting to reap the benefits of our efforts here!!!

Wiped down the fridge handles.  I'm not going to tell you how many times I opened the fridge door only to feel something sticky on the handle and not do anything about it.  Hey! In my defense, Nate didn't either.  Okay I'm done crying now.

Have a great Labor Day tomorrow!  I was supposed to grocery shop today but I'll be doing that tomorrow after I get off work at 2 and before I head to my parents' house for a cookout.  I'm looking forward to Menu Plan Monday.  I like those posts and I enjoy reading others' menu plans as well.  Mine for this week involves some new recipes because we're starting to run out of our pantry items.

See you tomorrow!!!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hi...Remember me? Checklist!

So...its been OVER a month since I've last blogged...I'm pretty sure Nony the Slob has never done THIS! Granted, I'm still reading her blog, but she is very consistent.  My life has become a ball of stress lately, but I wanna get back on the wagon.  Strangely enough, I have been doing my tasks MOST of the time.  I haven't done ALL of my tasks EVERY DAY, but I've done enough.  So tonight, I read back through all of my posts.  One thing I noticed is I REALLY need to edit my posts.  Words are missing, thoughts are incomplete.  It is clear I KNEW what I meant, but I'm sure no one else did.  At this point my blog is still so new, I have 0 followers.  Down the road, this long pause will be just a blip on the radar that is my life blog.  Why do I mention this? It makes me feel like I can dust myself off and try again.  Do I remember all the things I'm supposed to be doing? Not really no, but I will fix that.

Before I get to the checklist, I want to explain a little why I've been gone for so long.  Did I get my dream job??? Drum roll   As Maxwell Smart would say, I "missed it by that much."  I had another job interview a week later.  I didn't get that job either. I didn't take the bad news well.  I sulked majorly.  Everything in my life became unimportant.  On another fun side note, we've been given an eviction notice.  No, we weren't actually given an eviction notice from family but they did point out that it is time for us to go.  Originally, this would have been the scary weekend I was dreading where we were supposed to move in to our new condo (meaning keeping it clean and sticking to the scary tasks consistently) so the fact that we were asked to leave wouldn't have been a big deal...except...the condo isn't ready...and it won't be...for the foreseeable future.  At least until Sept. 8th, and I have a feeling it will be more like October, so Nathan and I are packing yet we have no idea where we're going.  Let's just say our family isn't on the same page about us having to move and having our new place ready so we can move (don't ask.) I made it clear to Nathan that I wanted to do our daily tasks regardless of the progress we've gotten done with packing because I think if we don't do them, it will only make matters worse.  We are also trying to de-clutter and it is going well.  Also, we've been doing really well with budgeting and sticking to our meal plan.

Today I (we):

Made bed (Nathan)

Did the dishes (I did some and Nate did the rest)

Put last night's dishes away

Swept and wet-swiffered the kitchen floor (I have a brand new mop and I'm determined to save it for our new place.)

Swish & Swipe (also wiped down the walls of the bathtub and I'm going to scrub the tub tomorrow)

Cleaned out the bathroom drain (Nathan)

Wiped down the coffee table (Nathan)

Five minute pick-up (just me while Nate cleaned out the bathroom drain.  He has determined I have too much hair.)

I feel very good about what we accomplished today.  I plan on vacuuming tomorrow before work.  I worked Friday, Saturday (today), tomorrow, and Monday.  So I wanted to make sure we did our tasks because I might be exhausted in the coming days.  I know I haven't posted a meal plan, but tomorrow night we're having Potato Leek soup and Monday we're going to my parents' for dinner.  I plan on posting for Meal Plan Monday!  We'll see!!! It's good to be back!!!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Absence doesn't always make the heart grow fonder...

Why do I say that?  Well the absence I'm referring to is cleaning.  My cleaning was very hit or miss this past week and my home is feeling it.  I have injured my hand and I have no idea how I did it but it keeping me from getting things done.  Normally (since I started this journey) I would just dust myself off and fix it today/this week.  Well, this particular week is very stressful because I have a very important job interview this week. Everything I have is going into preparing for it.  I feel that I'm setting myself up for failure this week. Being as I didn't do well last week and my week this week will be stressful, I don't feel as though I should add new tasks.  I need to try last week again and to be honest, I'll have to review what my tasks even are.  My menu for this week is so simple I don't feel like linking up :/ 

This week we're having:


Pork BBQ sandwiches on grilled buns
Parmesan Noodles


Hamburger Helper




Cheddar Potato Soup
Grilled Cheese

Argh. I just want to live through this week. Oh and come through it with my dream job. 

Monday, July 22, 2013


Today I...

Made bed

Put away clean dishes from last night

Did lunch dishes (Hubby out away after work)

Did evening dishes and shined sink

Swept kitchen

Checked bathroom for clutter and found some

Did the swish and swipe

Did a five minute focused pickup and Hubby helped!! That made a HUGE difference and I'm looking forward to doing I again tomorrow.  Back when I would read about FlyLady saying to do a 15 minute deck uttering, I didn't think it would help. my mind did I think doing nothing would make a bigger difference? What sense does THAT make?!! It will obviously make a huge difference.  I have a lot to learn...

Menu Plan Monday and this week's Non-negotiable Item(s)

So, to say I'm excited with how this blog is improving my home-keeping skills is an understatement.  The effects of doing my "non-negotiable" items each day is trickling down to other areas.  I find I'm picking up after myself better (something normal people do without thinking), I'm finishing tasks and staying focused, and feeling much less stressed.  The biggest achievement though is that so far, everything I'm doing is staying DONE so that I can move on to other areas.  This has always been the biggest struggle for me because as soon as I'd clean something it would be messed up a few minutes later.  I was focusing enough.  Now, I can get things accomplished without feeling overwhelmed.  The menu plan has also been a life saver.  Truly changing my life.  It requires me to really think about meals I want to make.  I am also doing really well with cleaning up as I go in the kitchen so the longest I've been at the kitchen sink doing dishes in the last few weeks is 20 minutes (and that is saying a lot for someone who DOESN'T have a dish washer.)  Cleaning out the pantry is saving Hubby and I a small fortune.  Its going to be a bummer of a day when I have to do another huge grocery haul.  Not looking forward to that but I think it will be awhile.  So on to the menu for this week!!  I'm linking this up with for her Menu Plan Monday linky party!  Be sure to visit her blog for great inspiration!  The women that link up are truly amazing!



  • Leftover Burritos, Rice, and Sante Fe Corn


  • Homemade Potato Soup (my mom's secret family recipe!) and Leftover Cold Cut Sandwiches from a party that I froze.  We have quite a few of these sub sandwiches left so they'll be making a weekly appearance until they disappear!


  • Leftover Soup and Sandwiches


  • Salisbury Steak Hamburger Helper and Green Beans
So a while back, our local grocery store had Hamburger Helper 10/$10 so I felt the need to buy 10 of them so needless to say it will be on the menu once a week until we eat it all.


  • Leftover Hamburger Helper


  • Pizza!!!  I have to work all weekend so having cheap pizza each week has been really helpful.  Hubby is loving this also because pizza is his absolute favorite food.  He'd eat it everyday if I'd let him.  


  • Leftover Pizza!

So we have a pretty simple menu again this week but those simple menus are helping me get my life in order, plus Hubby likes the simpler food much better.  He has been happier and he has been very complimentary towards the progress I'm making in "our" home.  I think the fact that he is noticing is helping A LOT.

Being as it IS Monday, I need to talk about the non-negotiable items I'm adding this week.  First, let's review what I'm currently working on.

  • Make the bed

  • Sweep the kitchen


  • vacuum once a week.

I was consistent all week in doing my tasks and vacuumed on Saturday.  This week, being back in the swing of things after being on vacation for a week, I'm ready to give vacuuming its designated day.  I will vacuum every Sunday before work (unless I have the energy or need to do it earlier in the week.)  
I thought long and hard about what I wanted to add this week (which is why I didn't post this yesterday.)  If you are a regular reader, you know that Hubby and I are trying to develop better habits before a possible in a few months.  As its imperative that I get these habits going, I keep feeling the need to add several things to my list.  However, I don't want to overwhelm myself.  I want to be successful.  Things feel different this time.  I'm starting to do my tasks without even thinking about it.  I do most of them after dinner right in a row (except making the bed which happens immediately.)  As most of you probably know, my inspiration for this blog comes Nony the Slob at .  I am currently reading her blog backwards, and two of the things she added was a focused five-minute pick up, and checking the bathrooms for clutter or items on the floor.  Because these are both somewhat small tasks, I'm adding both of them this week.  The one I'm most nervous about is the focused 5-minute pickup.  We are getting better about picking up after ourselves in the living room.  Since we started this we have went to be with a clean living room every night.  This doesn't sound like much of a feat, but in the past we have had all kinds of stuff all over the couch and coffee table.  I think the focused 5-minute pick up will help us in other areas such as our "bedroom" area which is currently behind the couch.  We are living with family in their basement which is a big open room.  

I'm getting long-winded here so I need to wrap this up.  I'm also adding in mopping the kitchen and bathroom floors on Tuesdays (this day may change based on my work schedule but this week its Tuesday.) I'll keep you updated on our progress!

Don't forget to visit for Menu inspiration!!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013


So it's Saturday and my second week at trying to get some order in our home is almost over.  We've had another successful week but I do feel my enthusiasm starting to decrease.  I'm trying to keep my goals in focus. I'm hoping that adding a new non-negotiable and/or weekly task each week will keep it interesting.  I do love the rewards from having a tidier home.  I keep telling myself we deserve it.

We did our tasks last night and so far today I've vacuumed (my weekly task) and washed our breakfast dishes.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Checklist...Checklist...and a window into my psyche

So...I didn't post last night about my checklist and honestly I don't remember if I posted the day before...however, I know that everything on my list was done except last night's sweeping...I cleaned the whole bathroom except the tub yesterday and plan to do that....eventually...I was extremely tired last night and for some reason my wrist has been killing me so my dear sweet Hubby did the dishes last night.  For today's checklist...

Made bed (Hubby again because he was the last one in it)

Put away yesterday's clean dishes (Hubby so that I didn't have to lift them...he needs a medal or something.)

Did dishes

Swish and swipe

Made our meal plan for next week which I will post and link up on Monday.  I am super excited that tomorrow is pizza night.  Makes my life easy.  Also means Saturday night is pizza night.  We have a local pizza place with cheap pizzas so hubby and I have decided it was worth it to get pizza once a week if we feel that we've earned it (a.k.a. kept up on the chores.)

I also did a load of laundry, and folded/hung up the clothes.  I also reorganized some of our clothes drawers and put away all of the clothes that had been washed over the last month and that were piled on our floor instead of put away.  Now...when I say I "reorganized" our dresser drawers that implies that they were organized at one time...hahahahahahahaha (maniacal laugh! maniacal laugh!) They weren't.  You want to hear something that will make me sound completely and utterly crazy? I'm telling even Freud wouldn't be able to figure me out.  Sometimes...I have a type A know...the people who want things to be perfect ALL the time.  I sometimes think that's why my home is always a wreck...I know I can't keep it perfect and I figure why bother at all???  Anyway, the reason I brought this up is because I own a t-shirt folder (think Sheldon Cooper here - same exact one.)  I like shirts folded perfectly and when they are folded perfectly I can cram fit a ton more in a dresser drawer.  Hubby happens to own TONS of t-shirts so I figured it was a good investment.  The problem with the t-shirt folder is it lays flat...meaning its a perfect thing to pile things on and isn't worth the trouble to unbury the thing when I need it so clothes in up shoved into drawers and all wrinkly.  Hmmm...I forgot my point.  Anyway, I dug the thing out and used it and was able to get all of the clean clothes put away.  I'm still tackling laundry mountain but I'm doing that a day at a time.  One day, I will show you my sorting system.  It makes me look like a type-A personality as well.  I swear I'm not...I don't think...the tons of stuff we own says I'm not.

I will however say that doing my tasks everyday is slowly changing our lives. The de-cluttering we've tried to is actually making an impact BECAUSE the things we've already cleaned are staying clean...and I love looking at a clean and tidy coffee table and couch that doesn't have clothes or papers all over it.  Soon I plan on tackling our pantry which I will write a post about with pictures.  Argh.  I hate the idea of pictures (as you can probably tell because my blog has very little pictures.)

Side note - the pork chops I threw in the crock pot turned out fabulously.  I froze the shredded pork BBQ for a future meal.  I originally wanted to use them next week but I think I will wait for a week where buns are in the budget.

Anyway I've rambled on pointlessly enough for one blog post.  I promise I have some great ideas for future posts that I can't wait to write.    I know the checklist posts aren't riveting but I NEED THEM.  They help me stay accountable.  I do need to get more consistent with them...I promise to want to try to get better.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

When life gives you burnt pork chops...

So tonight I had pork chops on the menu and I was going to make 4 of them seasoned two different ways. Apparently the sugar content in one of the seasonings was too high because they were immediately scorched while the other two were fine. I COULD have thrown them away and in the past I would have, but waste not want not.  I took a knife and cut off the burnt side of the pork and then threw them both in the crock pot with some BBQ sauce, Italian dressing, brown sugar and Worcestershire sauce and set it for ten hours.  I figure I can then shred it up and make pork BBQ out of it.  If its successful, I will freeze it for a meal next week (as I cut each of our pork chops in half tonight for tomorrow).  Here's to hoping it works out!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Checklist and Menu Plan Monday

So today was an exhausting day.  Hubby and I are on vacay this week and were out of the house today til about 6:30pm.  We were either in the sun or in the car ALL DAY LONG.  I am wiped out.  After dinner, I laid on the couch for about 5 minutes and really considered putting off ALL of my tasks until tomorrow.  At 10pm, I decided to get up off my keister and JUST DO IT!  It took me 8 minutes to wash the dishes and shine the sink while dear sweet Hubby put away the clean dishes from yesterday.  He also made the bed this morning as he was the last one in it.  It took me another 2 minutes to sweep the kitchen floor.  It took me 9 minutes to swish and swipe (which was mostly traveling back and forth to the kitchen to get glass cleaner and paper towels.)  Seriously. My whole routine took 19 minutes.  What a difference 19 minutes can make and I'm sure if I can just leave my supplies in the bathroom it will take far less time in the future.  Today accomplishment makes it very hard to have future excuses...only time will tell.

So to sum it up, today I...

(Hubby) made bed

(Hubby) put away clean dishes from yesterday

did dishes

swept kitchen

swish and swipe

Alright on to the menu for this week!!!  Same as last week, I'm linking up with to list my  dinner menu this week for Menu Plan Monday!  Please visit her site for lots more inspiration.

My Menu For the Week:

Leftover Shrimp & Cheddar Grits with sugar snap peas (I was supposed to finish this up yesterday but things got moved ahead.  Hubby and I were able to make our pizza last two nights and then my parents invited us over Saturday.)

Fried Pork Chops, Oven Fries, and French-Style Green Beans

Leftover Fried Pork Chops

Creamy Broccoli Tuna Helper, Salad, and Garlic Breadsticks


Leftover Pizza

Beef and Bean Burritos, rice, Sante Fe Corn

I'm really feeling that this will be another easy week of meals.  I'm desperately wanting to simplify my meal prepping process as this is a huge part of my kitchen mess.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

New Nonnegotiable for the week and the Checklist.

Well I've been thinking for a few days about what I wanted to add to my "chorelist" this week.  Being as it is imperative that I learn how to take care of my home in a short amount of time, I think I'm going to add more than one thing but they are definitely doable.  I'm adding in what the flylady calls a "swish and swipe", sweeping the kitchen floor, and a weekly vacuuming.  

The swish and swipe is where you wipe down the toilet and sink area once daily and swish the toilet using a little cleaner.  Being as I used to do the swish and swipe everyday, I think it won't be too hard to get back into that habit.  As for sweeping the kitchen, I have the same problem that Nony the Slob has.  I don't notice through the week when the kitchen floor needs to be swept, so its just easier to do it everyday.

Also, every night this week when I have cleaned up the kitchen after dinner I've thought "I really want to sweep the floor."  I did probably three times, but this week I want to do it every day.  The day I will vacuum will probably vary.  I'm aiming for Sunday.  If I get it done before then, even better.

Today I...

Made bed

Did dishes

Did some meal prep (shrimp from earlier post and fruit prep after grocery shopping)

Wrote the Meal plan for this week! Excited for that one tomorrow, even though it will be a late post as I'm going to be out all day.  Have a great week!!!!

Shrimp & Cheddar Grits

Disclaimer:  The following recipe is NOT my original creation.  I am simply showing you the steps I took to make it and I hope to provide you with an easy delicious dinner solution.

So tonight for dinner (even though it was supposed to be Saturday) I made Shrimp and grits for the first time.  I had a cannister of quick-cooking grits in the pantry that I bought one day on a whim.  Being as Hubby and I are trying to clean out our pantry before a possible move, I knew I needed to use them.  I searched google for a shrimp and grits recipe and the first one I found sounded delicious.  The recipe is from the Food Network's website.

The steps sounded incredibly easy so I thought it would be a great recipe to share!  

2nd Disclaimer:  Hubby and I are trying to save money so I used some ingredients that many cooks would NEVER use.  You have to do what works for YOU.

First, the all-star lineup!  Role Call:

  • 4 cups water

**instead of water I would have preferred to use chicken stock but I didn't have any.  I added some powdered chicken bouillon to give it a little flavor. (This is NOT in the original recipe).  

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1 cup stone-ground grits

**I only had quick cooking grits but because you cook the grits separately from the shrimp, this doesn't really matter.

  • 3 tablespoons butter

  • 2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese


**This was a large block of mild cheddar that I shredded all the way and took out two cups.  Now I have shredded cheese ready for another meal.  The recipe calls for sharp cheddar.  After eating the grits, it was VERY cheesy.  I would use mild again.

  • 1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined

Now, this is important.  Hubby and I are on a very tight budget and this recipe calls for a whole pound of shrimp which would be the whole bag.  I divided the bag into three different portions and froze the other two bags to use in the future for shrimp alfredo and BBQ Shrimp.  If you make this at home and 
use the whole bag, you will have three times more shrimp that I had.    

  • 6 slices bacon, chopped

  • 4 teaspoons lemon juice

**I had this on hand so I didn't want to use our precious grocery budget to buy a lemon.  

  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley

**Again, I didn't have real parsley on hand so I used dried.  When you convert a recipe from real herbs to dried herbs, divide by three (so I used 2 teaspoons.)

  • 1 cup thinly sliced scallions

**A Cup sounded like a lot so I thinly sliced 2 scallions and it was plenty.

  • 1 large clove garlic, minced

Again, didn't have real garlic, so I rehydrated 1/4 teaspoon of dried minced garlic.  All of these additions were fine, the meal was delicious but I know some people aren't comfortable using dried herbs and spices.
Now before I go on, I want to say that usually when I cook the kitchen is a disaster area and I wanted to prevent this so I asked myself: What can I do ahead to prep so that I can wash up some dishes as I go?  (Something my mother always told me to do but I didn't really know how.)  Some of the things I did were to cut up the bacon with my kitchen shears, fry it up, and drain it on paper towels.  I thawed and rinsed the shrimp, dried it, and peeled it.  I shredded a whole large block of cheddar cheese and just took out the two cups I needed for this recipe.  I sliced up the green onions, and rehydrated the garlic.  

Okay back to the recipe!

Bring the water to a boil. Add salt and pepper. I added 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper and few shakes of the powdered chicken bouillon.  

Add grits and cook until water is absorbed, about 20 to 25 minutes. 

Now, if you watch the video attached to the recipe on the Food Network's website, she tells you that immediately when you pour in the grits, you need to whisk, whisk, whisk!  If the grits clump up, they're not coming apart.  Because I was cooking quick-grits, it only took about 8 minutes with the lid on the pan as apposed to the 20-25 minutes the recipe suggests.

Remove the pan from the heat and stir in butter and cheese.

Rinse shrimp and pat dry. Fry the bacon in a large skillet until browned (I did this first); drain well on paper toweling while you prepare everything else. 

In grease, add shrimp. Cook until shrimp turn pink. **The oil bubbles up like butter and splatters a lot so be careful!! Its also important not to overcook shrimp as they can get tough.  As soon as they're pink and curled up, move on to the next step**

Add lemon juice, chopped bacon, parsley, scallions and garlic. Saute for 3 minutes.
I forgot to take a picture of this, sorry. 

Spoon grits into a serving bowl. Add shrimp mixture and mix well. Serve immediately.

I served this with sugar snap peas.

This meal was delicious, but VERY rich.  I'm glad I didn't use the whole bag of shrimp.  The bacon is more than enough protein.  I hope you enjoy this, now I'm off to finish up the kitchen and shine my sink.  Stay tuned for my non-negotiable post for this week!  I'm also very excited for Menu Plan Monday tomorrow!

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

So once again I'm posting my checklist the day after it was done.  This seems to be becoming a trend with me (not surprising though.) However, even though its a day late, I am proud of the fact that all things on my list were done.  Yesterday, we had dinner with my parents which tends to be an all day event as they live a little out of the area.  I had a thought cross through my mind yesterday morning.  "I can wash the morning dishes right now and the lunch dishes right after lunch and come home to a clean sink or I can let them pile up and have to do the dishes when I come home LATE."  More than likely, in the past, I would have chosen the later and then when I got home I would have decided "Oh what's it going to hurt if I just do these tomorrow?"  Luckily for me though, I chose the first option and did dishes all day using my dish-soap-scrub-brush-thingy (really technical term) as they were dirtied up.  It was so nice to come home and relax.

So yesterday I...

Made bed

Did dishes and shined sink.


When I got up this morning, I put away the clean dry dishes and I've already washed up all of the dishes we've accumulated today.  It feels good.  I'm also working on inventorying (Is that a word?) all of our pantry items. With a possible move in our future I want to eat everything we can and move as little as possible.  Later today, I'm hoping for a new kind of post.  I am making Shrimp and Cheddar Cheese Grits so I hope to post a step-by-step picture recipe.  I have never made this dish before but I am very good at following recipes and improvising.  The recipe I use will be from another website and I will give credit where credit is due.  I just wanted to post a quick easy recipe that could be helpful to readers if you're out there.  I also thought it would be nice to post so that I can see it down the road and possibly give myself a meal idea.  Being as today is Sunday, I'm thinking about my non-negotiable I want to add as well as my meal plan for this week.  My goal is to buy as little as possible.  Wish me luck!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Tsk Tsk...Task Task.

So I didn't blog last night about my daily checklist, and, to be quite frank, I was going to skip it tonight too but then convinced myself (at 1:54 am) to just do it.  Here's the tasks are done!  I made the bed yesterday and "today" meaning Friday, and went to bed with my sink shining and stayed on track meal-wise...okay another tangent.  Hubby and I did really well with our pizza last night and has enough leftover for tonight's dinner so I'm pushing everything up a day...We were also invited out for dinner tomorrow (at no expense to us) so the meal plan gets one more push into the future but I don't mind doing that when it is in our benefit budget wise.

So why wasn't I going to post?  Am I such a procrastinator that I will do that with this blog too?!?  Let's hope not.

Being as tomorrow (well technically today) is Saturday, I need to think about my new non-negotiable item for next week.  Let me tell you that I've been huffing and puffing about losing a few more minutes of my "me time" to add another task.

Has it been great this week with having a dinner plan and a clean sink/work space? Absolutely.  Am I still lazy though? Absolutely.   Need to change my stinkin' thinkin.  Here's to tomorrow and next week to hope that it goes smoothly.  I wonder what I'll add...

Let's pray.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


So I didn't write my Daily Checklist post yesterday, HOWEVER, I did do everything I was supposed to do.
We had Tortellini for dinner which was on schedule (I've been doing well there!!).

I made the bed as soon as I got up!

I had the dishes done and sink all shiny by 8:40pm instead of midnight!!

So far today I have made the bed and put away some of the clean dishes.  I plan on putting away the rest before I go to work.  There are going to be people in our living space today (Ahhh!!!!)  so I also plan on sorting some of the clothing piles around the room before work....don't want any unmentionables lurking around.

As an added bonus, I swept the kitchen last night and I put a load of clothes in the washer this morning.  I'm going to put them in the dryer.....NOW!

I'm also going to *try* to complete a 3 mile "Walk Your Belly Flat" video which I've never been able to complete before. Oy.  Perhaps I've added too many things to my mental to do list.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I just finished the dishes at almost midnight.  This is what I hate about getting home at almost 9.  The time flies. 

So today was successful.

Today I:

Made the bed

Did the dishes and shined the sink

Stuck to my menu!!

I also did a two mile Walk at Home video I want to tell you about in a future post. This particular video was called "2 Mile Fitness Walk".  Stay tuned for that!
I have high hopes for tomorrow.

Menu Plan Monday....on Tuesday! My First!

I'm linking up with Laura @ to list my dinner menu for the week.  I planned this out on Sunday before I started the blog - hence why it's...ahem...Tuesday.  To help me keep track of my menu I'm using a free app for iPhone called "Pepper Plate."  If you don't have an iPhone, you can visit their website and create an account for free!

My Menu for the Week:

Monday - Hormel(R) Beef Roast, Bob Evans(R) garlic mashed potatoes, sugar snap/carrot mix, mac 'n' cheese for the picky husband.  I often have to modify meals for hubby as he eats about ten things.

Tuesday - Leftover Roast - I work late.  I call these nights in which I work late "fend for yourself" nights.

Wednesday - Buitoni(R) Four CheeseTortelloni with Alfredo sauce, sugar snap peas (I was really craving those.)

Thursday - I work late again - Hubby will pick up a pizza

Friday - Teriyaki Chicken, Chow Mein Noodles, Asian Veggie Mix

Saturday - Shrimp & Cheddar Cheese grits - grilled cheese for Hubs.

Sunday - Leftover Shrimp & Cheddar Cheese Grits

So because I was starting this this week, I wanted to keep things really simple.  Most things listed are pre-packaged foods that I can just heat up.  I do normally like to cook from scratch and use our steamer whenever possible however, this week my work schedule is all over the place.  I work part time and sometimes I "open", sometimes I work "midday", and sometimes I "close."  Today I close, so I'll get home close to 9 pm only to open at work tomorrow and close on Thursday.  Thankfully I'm off Friday. Sheesh.  That's another constant struggle for me - keeping up with my work schedule and trying to work around it.  I could make this an excuse, but everyone else has to function with funky schedules so I shouldn't be any different.  Right?

Hi, I'm Wanda and I'm a Slob-a-holic.

So while I jokingly treat being a slob as seriously as being an alcoholic, for me, it IS serious.

Its also fairly new news to me because in the past I've been SOOOO good at blaming EVERYBODY ELSE for the reason my home is a disaster all the time.  So why admit it? Why blog about it?  Simple.  I don't want to be a slob anymore.  Once I realized I was a slob, I started thinking I could never change.  This was destiny (which bothered me because I'm a perfectionist and a germaphobe - I know right?- and it truly does irk me when I see my home a disaster.  Well, then I discovered an incredible blog of a former slob changing her slobbish ways.  She has been on the journey for four years!  You can visit her blog here:

I'm still reading her blog backwards and she posts so frequently that I'm still in the first year - not complaining - I LOVE how often she posts.

I had an epiphany.  What if I did that? What if I had a true and honest account of my progress where I posted my progress daily? (or at least most days.)  I need something to keep this in my head even if I'm not successful.

Noni describes her daily checklist, how successful she was, and honestly tells if she isn't successful.  I admit, I'll have a hard time telling you I failed...and I WILL fail.  However I'm hoping they are small failures that won't keep me from trudging moving on.

So why now?  Why all of the sudden try to change?  Well its simple.  My husband and I are a two person household (making it all the more pathetic that I can't manage our day-to-day lives) and months back had to move in with his family member in order to make ends meet.  I swore that while we lived with his family, I would get my act together and keep our portion of the house spotless.  I had no choice, it wasn't my house.  I felt confident that I would do this, and felt so good about it.  I failed.  Right out of the gate. Immediately. I have no systems.  I had no time to work up to being good at this and if you're not NATURALLY good at this, you WILL fail without baby steps.  Trust me, I've tried many times. So, on and off I've tried to get things in order and haven't been successful yet.  So again, why now?  Well, hubby and I have the opportunity to move in September to a condo owned by another family member who wants to rent it out.  It is beautiful and in our budget.  I want it to stay beautiful.  So I have from now until Labor Day (approximately) to get some routines in place. HELP!

Before going any further I feel that I should tell you that I tried flylady.  She worked for me for about a month.  Last year, my husband and I went vacation for our anniversary and left the main rooms of our home spotless.  (All of them except the bedrooms....oy vey.)  It was so wonderful coming home to a mostly clean house.  I remember we took our suit cases in, sorted the laundry in our bags, put everything we took away, and immediately - because we came home on a weekend - went to the pool because we could.  It was the best feeling ever.  I want that feeling back.  Forever. Period.  Do dah.  Sorry I couldn't help myself.  Anyway, eventually I didn't keep up with it.  We did well in the kitchen because we had a dishwasher, but we don't anymore.  I have to handwash everything.  Argh.

So where to start?  I don't want to start with just one thing.  I do want baby steps, but I have to be good at this fairly soon.  Luckily, hubby and I are really good about making bed our every day.  We have a rule that the last person up makes the bed.  Most days, that is him.  He is pretty neat and tidy but doesn't actually like to "clean" persay.  He will do the dishes though occasionally.  So, obviously, making the bed will be on the list.  Also, my dear sweet mother always tells me, "Wanda, don't go to bed with a sink full of dirty dishes.  You will start your day off on the wrong foot with unnecessary work ahead of you."  Oh mom.  She is correct.  Flylady says the same thing. She calls it "shining your sink."  You can visit her website at to get complete details on how you "should" shine your sink. I want to add to this, having a meal plan, which luckily I have already developed for the week and will post in a separate post after I exercise.  So the focus for this week is - make the bed every day, do the dishes and shine the sink, and have a meal plan in place before Monday.  (I made this week's plan on Sunday before I went grocery shopping - go me!)  I will let you know how my progress goes.

Does this mean that I won't do more than that?  No.  I will do what I can.  But I HAVE to do those things.  Those are, as Noni calls them, my non-negotiables.  I will add a new one, or readjust a current one, and add it on each week.

I don't want readers.  Don't get me wrong, if you want to read this - by all means, read on.  I appreciate it.  What I'm saying is my goal of this blog is NOT to gain readers, its to help me learn to tackle my home.  Also, if you are a blog nazi who believes in only writing one blog post a day, this is not the blog for you.  I will post as frequently as I need to about whatever I need to in order to conquer this problem.  I will also do as Noni the Slob does on her blog and post my weekly menu plans, exercise details (another thing I'm battling), and recipes I love.  It may not be a recipe I've personally created but if I find one that is easy and delicious, I will post it and give credit to where I found it.

On a personal note, I feel as though I need to say something to Noni.  I am NOT trying to copy your blog.  I am simply trying to follow in your footsteps hoping and praying that this will work for me.  I love to write about things, so I'm hoping this will work.  I truly apologize if you are offended by this.  Please don't be, I give you full credit, you are fantastic, I just feel that this might work for me too.

Alright, so that's enough for one post, time for me to exercise and shower before work.  That is another post altogether.

Here we go, no turning back now.  This is the first day of the rest of my life.